HSA 2023 Contribution Limits

HSA 2023 Contribution Limits

Find details on the HSA 2023 contribution limits for individuals and families and HDHP requirements here!

Note: If you are age 55 or older, you can continue to make an additional $1,000 catch-up contribution.

For employers and individuals currently in a plan set at or near the minimum deductible limits, you will need to make adjustments to ensure your plan remains HSA eligible.

Details for HSA 2023 Contribution Limits & HDHP Requirements


  • HSA contribution limit for 2023: $3,850 (up from $3,650)
  • HDHP minimum deductible: $1,500 (up from $1,400)
  • HDHP maximum out of pocket: $7,500 (up from $7,050)

Family Coverage:

  • HSA contribution limit for 2023: $7,750 (up from $7,300)
  • HDHP Minimum deductible: $3,000 (up from $2,800)
  • HDHP Maximum out-of-pocket: $15,000 (up from $14,100)

Still learning about HSAs? Check out these tips for how to manage your HSA (and other pre-tax accounts) and how to track your funds!