Pre-Tax Benefits Don’t Have to be Scary

Benefits Don't Have to be Scary

It’s that time of year again! The leaves are changing color, the air is getting cooler, and ghosts, goblins, and witches are getting ready to come out and play. But, there’s one thing that doesn’t have to be scary this Halloween —your pre-tax benefits! Commuter benefits, flexible spending accounts, dependent care, and health savings accounts […]

A Generational Overview of Employee Benefits

Generational Overview of Employee Benefits

As the workforce evolves, so do the expectations of employees. While benefits have always been an important part of attracting and retaining employees, the types of benefits that are most important to employees vary by generation. In order to attract and retain the best talent, employers need to be aware of what each generation is […]

The Pros and Cons of EMV Credit Cards

EMV credit cards

In recent years, credit cards with a chip have become increasingly popular. This is because they are seen as more secure than traditional credit cards. While this is true, there are also some disadvantages to using credit cards with a chip. In this blog post, we will take a look at the pros and cons […]

HSAs Provide a Recession-Resistant Approach to Benefits

HSAs Provide a Recession-Resistant Approach

HSAs are a great way to prepare for the future, especially during tough times. They provide critical benefits that can help you save money and continue living life on your own terms – no matter what happens with our economy! Becky Seefeldt, BRI’s VP of Strategy, wrote about the several ways HSAs can help during […]

How to avoid penalties on an HSA withdrawal

hsa withdrawal

There are right ways and wrong ways to use the money in a Health Savings Account (HSA). In most cases, people use an HSA card that only permits them to pay for eligible purchases. No risk of penalties there. But what about when people take cash out of an HSA and use it (either intentionally […]

Maintaining A Healthy Lifestyle At Work

Healthy Lifestyle at Work

During the week, we spend a lot of our time at work, which can make it a bit challenging to follow consistent healthy habits. Finding a way to incorporate wellness into your entire daily routine will allow you to improve your overall well-being in and out of the office. Experts say that maintaining a healthy […]

Eligible Expenses to Help Beat the Heat

Beat the Heat

As the weather heats up, so do the prices on many summertime necessities. Beat the heat this summer by taking advantage of your FSA or HSA to purchase eligible items. Many people don’t realize that their Flexible Spending Account (FSA) or Health Savings Account (HSA) can be used on various health-related purchases beyond doctor visits […]

Employee Benefits Communication Mistakes and How to Avoid Them 

Benefits Communication Mistakes

When it comes to employee benefits, communication is key. However, many employers still make common communication mistakes that can have a negative impact on how their employees view their benefits. Here are some of the most common mistakes employers make regarding employee benefits and how to avoid them: Communication mistake: Providing too much information at […]

Are HSAs Recession-proof?

Are HSAs Recession proof

Following a few turbulent years brought on by the pandemic, a growing chorus of economists and financial experts are predicting that the country is headed for a recession. This is not only due to a slower economy, but as we reach two sequential quarters with a significant, pervasive decline in economic activity. While this may […]

HSA 2023 Contribution Limits

HSA 2023 Contribution Limits

Find details on the HSA 2023 contribution limits for individuals and families and HDHP requirements here! Note: If you are age 55 or older, you can continue to make an additional $1,000 catch-up contribution. For employers and individuals currently in a plan set at or near the minimum deductible limits, you will need to make […]

Find a Wellness Account That Works With You

Wellness Account

Companies are increasingly recognizing the importance of promoting employee wellness. A Wellness Account is a type of personalized Specialty Account that provides employees with funds or reimbursement for activities like fitness courses, yoga sessions, and more! Although many companies offer wellness benefits of some kind, a Specialty Account for wellness and fitness allows employers to […]

Stay Healthy While Commuting to Work

Staying Healthy while Commuting

The pandemic has been difficult for many of us, but with cases decreasing, you might find yourself preparing to head back into the office. You may also wonder what precautions you can take to stay healthy while commuting and working in an office. We have an easy-to-follow guide to help you commute safely and stay […]

Register for Our Upcoming Webinar: How to Keep Participants Informed All Year Long

Keep Participants Informed

Join Benefit Resource (BRI) for our webinar, Tuesday, April 26th at 11 am EDT We live in a world where personalization is everything, and benefits should be no exception. As employees continue to demand more from their employers both digitally and physically, companies must find ways to elevate their benefits offerings. Open enrollment is likely in the […]

Going Back to the Office (As Told by The Office)

Going Back to Work

If you are feeling overwhelmed by the idea of having to go back to the office, don’t worry. We will get you through it. Returning to the office, a moment of joy for some. Others would prefer to stay home. We’re coming to terms with the fact that life goes on, even though we have […]

Help Employees Use Pre-tax Funds to Save for a New Baby

Save for a New Baby

The cost of having a baby can be overwhelming, even if you have insurance. However, there are ways for employees and employers alike to help make it more affordable. BRI’s VP of Strategy, Becky Seefeldt recently shared her thoughts with BenefitsPRO. It can be hard to manage the things needed to welcome the newest family […]

BRI is Your “Lucky Charm” for Great Benefits

Here at BRI, there are a few things that many of us enjoy. (A lot.) Health and Wellness, Schitt’s Creek…and obviously celebrating St. Patrick’s Day! As you prep your corned beef and cabbage, let’s take a brief moment to reflect on a few things we’re lucky to have. Our Clients, Partners, and most of all…our […]

Your Tax Guide to Pre-tax Benefit Accounts

Tax Guide to Pre-tax

The name alone – “pre-tax benefit accounts” – implies there might be tax implications. However, you might be surprised to learn there are little or no tax consequences for most of these benefits. Use these simple tips as your tax guide to pre-tax benefit accounts. (And how much effort you’ll have to put in before […]

Finding an Effective Smoking Cessation Program

Smoking Cessation Programs

Most smokers (68 percent) want to quit. However, quitting smoking can present a set of challenges that often result in an extended journey to overcome the addiction. According to the CDC, there are more former smokers in the U.S. today than people who currently smoke. But, the path to successfully quitting can be an uphill […]

How employers can support employees at risk of overdose

employees at risk of overdose

Navigating conversations with employees at risk of overdose The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recently released data stating, in the 12 months between April 2020 to 2021, more than 100,000 people died from an overdose. This is an all-time high with over 600 people dying every day. With such staggering numbers, it’s easy to […]

Are There Tax Documents for Your Pre-Tax Benefits?

There Tax Documents For Your Benefit Plan

Benefit Resource (BRI) has been simplifying benefits for 30 years. We’re here to provide you with a short guide to help you understand the required tax documents for your pre-tax benefits.  HSA  A Health Savings Account (HSA) is a savings account that provides tax-free contributions and potential tax deductions for qualified medical expenses incurred by […]

Having a Baby? Use Your Pre-Tax Funds to Save

Whether you’re planning for a baby or currently expecting; congratulations! Having a baby can be expensive, but it’s never too early to start saving. The cost of having a baby is no small fee. Even with health insurance, labor and delivery can cost around $5,000, and without insurance, it can be upwards of $40,000. And, […]

One Plan to Rule Them All: How HSAs Work for Different Incomes

How HSAs Work

JRR Tolkien said it best, “All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.” Ever asked yourself, have I planned ahead enough? Whether it’s prepping meals for the next week or setting your sights on goals that are years away, planning ahead can be overwhelming. We’re sharing how […]